I want to start a new blog. Like a flower that buds every spring, it's time to move on and be another persona. Farewell to the rebel days. Farewell to the student days. Farewell to debating days. Farewell to allowances. Farewell to all of you.
This is still under construction as of press time. Link exchange is welcomed though I limit them.
-- This is not a suicide note.
There are no stupid questions only stupid answers.
about me
:: school ::
:: class ::
:: horoscope ::
:: birthday ::
:: Review of Teh Blogfather ::
In the beginning God created man, and man said "Let there be mayonaisse!" and there was mayonaisse. He looked and he saw that it was good. Not to be undone, woman said "Let there ketchup!" and there was ketchup. She looked and saw that it was good. Later that evening when having roast animal for dinner, they realised fire wasn't invented yet so they used a microwave instead. Adam decided roast animal tasted better with mayo, but Eve assured him that ketchup was better. And that, ladies and gents is how the battle of the sexes began. You heard it here first! Now, were it not for Ellery "Tha Debatanator" Ivaan who's masterful debating skills convinced Adam and Eve that you could actually mix ketchup and mayo, we would not exist today. So in tribute, you better show him some loooove!